Welcome, Ellie Pavlick!

10 June 2024   welcome

We welcome our Mercator Fellow Ellie Pavlick to Saarbrücken!

Ellie Pavlick is an Associate Professor of Computer Science and Linguistics at Brown University and a Research Scientist at Google. She received her PhD from University of Pennsylvania in 2017, where her focus was on paraphrasing and lexical semantics. Her work focuses on computational models of language (currently, primarily LLMs) and its connections to the study of language and cognition more broadly. Ellie leads the language understanding and representation (LUNAR) lab, which collaborates with Brown’s Robotics and Visual Computing labs and with the Department of Cognitive, Linguistic, and Psychological Sciences.

Ellie will spend three months with us and is scheduled to return in 2026. We are delighted to have her here and look forward to many fruitful research collaborations with her.